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  1. a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.

  1. the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.


1. a sign that shows something clearly

2. one of the forms that something has when it appears or occurs

EPIPHANY: (noun)

1. a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ

2. a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way

3. a (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure : a revealing scene or moment

(Instinct)Revelation => Epiphany "Revealing Moment-Room" + Manifestation "Clear Sign-See"

**All 3 words are usually used interchangeably but are very different**

Every time I hear revelation I can't help but to bring up manifestation and epiphany because from the world to the church these words are used almost interchangeably. They are always marked as pivotal moments in a persons life beyond their control. Another phrase people tend to use id "Ah-ha moment", but to help my studies stay on a smaller less complicated scale I re-framed from further studying the technical meaning because it seemed pretty self explanatory. Before I went into looking at the world's technical meaning and studying my Bible for the uses of revelation I noticed that it had to be a noun. Revelation is always unveiled in so many various ways in my life alone and it was nothing less than an it because it had that much of a presence and held such a substance even if it could of only been a mere thought. I thought that was so cool because it pointed to the actual ism of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirits job is to help bring forth God's will.

I also noticed that when you gain revelation it will always come from a place beyond you. 1 Corinthians 3:7 say, "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." It basically tells us no matter what we do in life, God makes it increase if He wills it to be increased. There are plenty of times that you go after a personal desire and see it fail while it seems that you are doing the same things as others around you and they are multiplying. Revelation is the actual substance that gets to understand why and what needs to be done to reach your given increase and it can not be grasped by you just simply pursuing it.

The Book of Revelation is put in the back of the Bible, and some how Christians and other people think revelation is an ending word when in fact that is not what this word stands for. Revelation is an uncovering of a future foresight of the middle of a time that is already set by God. He fashioned each and every one of us and knows what ways we are going to take. Our next dimension, as most pastors put it, is in revelation and no one goes forward without piece of the puzzle. The cliff-hanger within a revelation helps propel you to want to keep going forward and reminds you that you do have a future for you and your descendants.

Early I touched on revelation not being confined to one type of expression. It is a noun and is expressed many unorthodox forms. I always wondered why that was, but God showed me it was because revelation is always outside of your norm. No one was ever given revelation in their original comfortable living. Most of the time I hear revelation coming out of a hardship when some one was forced out of their comfort zone by life and others gain revelation through seeking out God. There is never a circumstance of revelation just coming to a person who was just sitting there. It was always on a heightened of out of the norm change good or bad.

Revelation + Action + Desire = New Dimension

Growth and movement is usually paired up with revelation to get to the your new level. It is a personalized process. When growth is sought after you broaden your horizons and prepare room for revelation to be presented. If you look at the illustration of what comes from revelation at the top of this page, you'll notice it takes availability and seeking to position yourself in for insight to your next level. Without all of these you'll forever be partially prepped. So, if there is no room made through epiphany then revelation has no where to rest in you but is already there to grasped. Also, if yo do not have the vision through manifestation you miss but is still there to be grasped. All this comes down to desire.

The 2 equations above definitely can have negative before any one of those words but unlike worldly math the end word will always come to be a negative. In which means that you would not be able to see it but the Revelation and New Dimension is still there but unable to be accessed. World math teaches that if you have a negative amount that does not supersede a positive amount you will get a remainder. But that is not always true in real life and especially dealing with God. These graphs show the importance of alignment. No one gets to short change God, He gives growth how He deems necessary. If He wants you to gain revelation and put you in a New Dimension and you are not obeying, He always puts you in manifestation, epiphany, action, desire, revelation, and etc. with or with out you complying. But you can not coerce God into doing anything because He is all knowing and knows if something is way too much for you. GOD WILL NEVER OVER STEP HIS PROTECTIVE BOUNDARY OVER YOU BY REVEALING TOO MUCH TOO SOON! God's purpose is to bring glory to His name and life you up because you are His son and daughter. Immaturity is the wall that keeps revelation out because there is an underdevelopment that will not properly incubate revelations power. But I do warn you about my last statement, immaturity is a form of ignorance and should not be taken negatively. When you do not know you do not know in the appropriate timing.

So with all this being said what am I trying to reveal to you? God built you up high and knows all of your lows. His plans for you are far beyond your most brilliant thought. He fashioned you and knows what makes you and what breaks you, and your present most is just as important as you past and will forever propel you into your future. So let your revelations never remain under your nose by ceasing to seek out who God is because you miss out on who you are and your purpose within. Revelation is the gift of looking into your next and should never be taken lightly and pray you don't make up "your own" without God. God gives you the steps you will need to properly pursue that revelation, so follow that instinct He gave you to be all who called you to be. Most of remember His Word is forever good, healing, and yours!!!

Study Material: 1 Corinthians 3:7; 2 Peter 1:19-21; Revelation 3:20; 1 Corinthians 1:21; Isaiah 1:5; Jeremiah 4:22; Galatians 4:8; Ephesians 4: 18; Matthew 11:25-27; Job 34:39; Psalm 119:130; 2 Timothy 3:16;

Example of Revelation: Revelation 20:11

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