I Don't Know
The causes of this
The root of that
Stepping forward without the past
Where are you going?
I am a part of your generation too
Include me too
Watch it closely
Your lack of compassion runs ramped
Due to your un-regretful needs to express empathy
Whose heart do you have?
Evil versus good
Or is it
Good versus evil
It doesn’t matter for you
Grey is all you see
You just don’t know huh?
What do we with that?
Privileged has you fond of the finest blood sheddings
You are secure to it because it’s your source
Not knowing you are hemorrhaging yourself
Extensively suffocating in a drawn out posture
All your senses have been deteriorated
You just wouldn’t know?
Incubated in placebo wealth
Trust is invested in a 400 plus year mirage
The fool that catches air and sells it to live off of
Or the halfwit that buys it and doesn’t know he captured himself
Where are you going
Hate springs out of you
Blood lines have been contaminated beyond your birth
That’s all you know
Silver spoons that feed you death
Full of disgust at the sight of freedom
Because it tears down the very thing you stand on
The inevitable water from the rain washes away your foundation made on sand
Only to constantly remind you of your cultures vulnerability
Avoiding the opportunity to strengthen
Your wake-up call that reminds you never built your world in the first place
Just full speed ahead
Drunk off of power
Reckless in every motive
Bonded in every action
Turn to who?
Secrets keep you safe
Secrets kept you ensnared
Behind the I don’t know that saves you also left you where you have to be
Trapped in a fantasy
Well rested so you can only embrace it
How else can you know?
It’s beyond your capacity